libber|libbers in English


one who supports a liberation movement (especially the women's lib movement)

Use "libber|libbers" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "libber|libbers" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "libber|libbers", or refer to the context using the word "libber|libbers" in the English Dictionary.

1. The women's libbers would rejoice.

2. The women' s libbers would rejoice

3. Antihectic shallowpated catamiting libbers squawfishes smackful habenula putdown Dragelin commonable

4. These courses are mostly attended by old women's libbers.

5. It wouldn't work with a women's libber like you anyhow.

6. Karl Hoches hero finds capitalism to be entertaining, only the women's libber doesn't.

7. So you wouldn't call yourself a women's libber then, Kent, huh?

8. These courses are mostly attended by old women' s libbers

9. You want to be a modern or a libber, sipping wine, going to dance halls?

10. It is hoped that Women's Libbers will recognize the tongue-in-cheek approach.

11. See, with all these women' s libbers out there, a girl like tammy could make serious trouble for us

12. Oh, yeah, sure.I know what some of your big- city, no- bra- wearin '... hairy- legged women libbers might say

13. The gay libbers said they did not expect to win since their team is young and have only been playing with each other since December.

14. If she got a job as a bank teller downtown and did the typical after work activities, going for a few drinks with the ladies, and then starts comparing notes, she could be easily influenced and become a real women’s libber.

15. If she got a job as a bank teller downtown and did the typical after work activities, going for a few drinks with the ladies, and then starts comparing notes, she could be easily influenced and become a real women's libber.

16. Recently, the journal Mademoiselle stated that ‘secretaries who’d do anything rather than admit they’re secretaries, along with “Women’s Libbers,” are, according to a survey by the National Secretaries Association, giving the job a bad name.’

17. The sight of this shopping list – which is what these 85 amendments amount to – causes me to worry about the eventual costs of what will be an oversized playground for women’s libbers with outdated ideas.

18. We see the trope repeated in Rugrats with Phil and Lil's mother who Wikipedia describes as " Quite the jock and women's- libber " and we can also recognize her as a straw feminist because of the giant woman's symbol on her sweater.